Credo #10 Learning - the only form of sustainable team spirit.
The vulnerability and courage to try, fail and discuss the learning energizes teams, deepening relationships.
Learning together is the source of incredible team energy.
Great teams are a boon to any organization. For individuals who are part of them, superior teams can be life changing. Great groups, though, aren’t an accident. They’re not the result of goofy team building or pushing for a rah-rah team spirit. Team greatness comes from regularly applying the ideas we’ve discussed in this series; it’s only sustained by teams learning to learn together. The 6 practices we developed also act as a template for assessing where a team is, what’s working, what’s not. Learning as a team, though, can be challenging. It requires vulnerability and courage in dynamic balance. Team members must embrace the fact that trying, failing and talking about it are the sources of learning. Once they shift to this mindset, learning together becomes the source of incredible energy. When a group finds its rhythm of learning, the payoff is massive. Work products and team dynamics improve. Relationships deepen. The bar of success is continually raised. A team spirit emerges that’s lasting and meaningful to everyone. That’s good news for the team as a whole, for each team member and for the organization.